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BBB Summer 2011 Catalogue — free download now!

BBB Summer 2011 Catalogue — get your free download now! […]

BBB’s first novel, The Limits of Pleasure

BBB’s first novel, The Limits of Pleasure, by Daniel M. Jaffe […]

Bear Bones Books catalogue

Bear Bones Books, an imprint of Lethe Press. 2010 catalogue […]

BBB titles now available in more electronic formats

BBB titles now available in more electronic formats

The wonders of the Digital Age mean that valued texts need not remain idle on the bookshelf but can be kept and oft-read on your laptop or even iPhone. Another benefit of electronic editions is their reduced price, since production costs are meager compared to print editions.


Bears on Bears, new edition available for pre-order

Announcing the availability for pre-order of the revised edition of Bears on Bears: Interviews & Discussions, by Ron Suresha, on […]